Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your aligners
Handle only ONE aligner at a time.

Aligner Insertion

Make sure you have the proper aligner – the upper for the top teeth and the lower for your bottom teeth.

You may insert either the upper or lower aligner first. When inserting each aligner, gently push the aligners over your front teeth. Then, apply equal pressure, using your fingertips, to the tops of your left and right molars (Back Teeth) until the aligner snaps into place.

If aligners don’t fit properly, gently bite onto cotton or gauze piece to seat your aligners into position. If you experience significant discomfort, please contact your treating doctor immediately.

Aligner Removal

  • Using your fingers, start on one side at the molars, and slowly work your way around to the other side.
  • To help prevent damage, avoid unnecessary removal.
  • DO NOT use any sharp object to remove your aligners.
  • Immediately rinse aligner with water, shake off excess water, and store your aligners in the PROTECTIVE case provided with your starter kit.
  • Do Not use excessive force to bend or twist an aligner to get it off.

Care and Maintenance

  • Clean your Dentments clear aligners prior to each insertion. You can use a soft bristle toothbrush using water.
  • DO NOT use denture CLEANERS to clean aligners or soak them in mouthwash. These products can damage the surface of the aligner, causing it to become dull and more visible.

Proper Oral Hygiene

  • Remove your aligners for eating and drinking, except when drinking water (only).
  • Brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack prior to re-inserting your aligners. If you have questions regarding your hygiene techniques, consult with your treating doctor!
  • Regular dental checkups and cleaning are recommended for the CONTINUED health of your teeth and gums..

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